Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Nusantara Original : Lontara typeface

Nusantara Original : Lontara typeface

Lontara typeface shape is originally created by freehand technique, without modify other exist digital typeface. It purely inspired by traditional Lontara manuscript, South Sulawesi.
Lontara typeface is dedicated for originality of Indonesian Cultural.

June 9th, 2011


The La Galigo that written in traditional Lontara script is widely believed by people Buginese as a bible of sacred and should not be read without a certain ritual preceded.It tells the story of hundreds of descendants of the gods who live at a time for 6 (six), hereditary generation, the various kingdoms in South Sulawesi and the surrounding islands. The Lontara script is an Brahmic script traditionally used for the Bugis language, Makassarese language, and Mandar languages of Sulawesi in modern Indonesia. It is also known as the Buginese script. It was largely replaced by the Latin alphabet during the period of Dutch colonization.

Some shape of traditional Lontara script is adopted directly, while many others are new glyphs .


LONTARA typeface


traditional Lontara script

traditional clothes motif






Great inputs, comments from
Pak Surianto Rustan

Professional Graphic Designer and Book Author

beberapa pertanyaan & input:
- gambarnya tolong lebih konsisten antar hurufnya, dlm hal: stroke
(seberapa tebal stem & seberapa tipis hairline), kalo konsisten, maka desain keseluruhan akan terlihat lebih profesional, walaupun tetap membawa nuansa tradisional.
- menurut gw titik pada aksara bugis itu cukup unik & ada baiknya
digunakan lebih sering pada desain lo, contohnya huruf latin A, sebaiknya pake yang aksara bugis 'na', huruf M sebaiknya pake yang 'ya'.
- untuk mempertahankan keunikan aksara aslinya, gw saranin sebisa mungkin langsung pake aksara asli tsb, kalo ngga rasanya sayang amat, contohnya huruf T F P V langsung aja pake: nga ngka pa/ca ma. - pemecahan elo yg patut diacungi jempol antara lain di DSC_0356.jpg yaitu huruf2 yang masih outline: K, G, E
- gw kurang setuju kalo elo pake yg DSC_0353.jpg, sangat tidak unik dan terasa spt takut tidak bisa dibaca orang. bukannya ini display type, jadi ya memang tugasnya untuk menarik perhatian, sedangkan legibility & readability jadi prioritas ke 2.
- untuk huruf2 lainnya coba eksplorasi juga pake garis2 yang saling bertautan spt di huruf asli 'ca' dan 'la'.
demikian Triden, elo telah melakukan proses problem solving yang sangat baik, namun masih bisa dieksplorasi lagi. btw masukan gw silahkan diacuhkan saja apabila setelah dipertimbangkan ternyata merugikan.

salam suxes,







CD contains Lontara.ttf

Poster Teathre I LA GALIGO

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Me and mine

LONTARA typeface Booklet (pdf)
LONTARA typeface installer (ttf)

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Thank You for Visiting

Triden :)

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